How Casinos Protect Their Assets
The modern casino is divided into two main parts: a physical security force and a specialized surveillance department. The former patrols the floor and responds to calls for help, while the latter runs the closed circuit television (CCTV) system. Together, the two departments work to ensure the safety and security of guests and protect casino assets. This approach has proved effective and has significantly reduced the number of crimes committed in casinos. Read on to learn more about how modern casinos protect their assets.
A casino is the place where you can place your bets and hope to win. While it is true that the casino has no way of predicting how much money a patron will win, there is a good mathematical expectation for a casino to win in every game it offers. This means that the house almost never loses money, but the average casino makes enough profit to remain profitable. There are many benefits to gambling at a casino, and these advantages outweigh the drawbacks.
The first major advantage of a casino is its competitiveness. While the average person who visits a casino has no college education, there is no reason that the average American has no education. In 1989, 24% of Americans held a graduate degree. By 2008, 28% held some college credits, and nearly half did not. These numbers are much higher than the national average, suggesting that casinos are highly competitive and can afford to give big bettors freebies.