What is CEME?

CEME is short for Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, and its meaning is the same in 42 different languages. Learn the definition of CEME and other related terms to help improve the quality of your life. Download an infographic to share the image with friends and family, or post it on your website. This resource also includes a list of other related terms. The image on this page can be printed or shared via email or social media. It can also be used on a non-commercial website.


CEME is an acronym for Community Education Management Exchange. This non-profit organization focuses on education and health in communities, as well as disaster preparedness. Its members use technology to improve education in the United States. Since CEME is the only organization of its kind in the country, it is important to learn more about the organization and how it can help you improve your own classroom or school. It can also help you make informed decisions about teaching your students.

CEME is a non-profit association that provides educators and communities with innovative ways to improve education. Its members focus on public health and disaster preparedness, while also providing education for the community. The organization is unique in its field, and it’s worth checking out to learn more about its goals. You might be surprised to learn that there are numerous ways to improve the quality of education in your community. You may be able to implement these methods yourself – just be sure to use the resources available.